Sunday, July 11, 2010

prone to leave the God i love

"The man threw his arms around Peter and John, ecstatic. All the people ran up to where they were at Solomon's Porch to see it for themselves. When Peter saw he had a congregation, he addressed the people: 'Oh, Israelites, why does this take you by such complete surprise, and why stare at us as if our power or piety made him walk? The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his Son Jesus. The very One that Pilate called innocent, you repudiated. You repudiated the Holy One, the Just One, and asked for a murderer in his place. You no sooner killed the Author of Life than God raised him from the dead—and we're the witnesses. Faith in Jesus' name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on his feet—yes, faith and nothing but faith put this man healed and whole right before your eyes.'" Acts 3: 11-16

i need to get over myself. then i might not feel so empty. if i didn't focus so much on myself and what i want and what i think i need...what i have and what i don't have- mostly what i don't have. i seriously need to be broken. my eyes need to be refocused. i need Jesus.

Please help me to not look inward, but look upward to You. Rejuvenate my faith in who You are...and shake the understanding i assume i have of myself and how i would have my life happen. Please reveal Yourself to me, God, so that i might see how little and weak i am in Your midst. How great You are to never let me go even when i put all my faith in my own will. My heart yearns constantly for dare i try to fill that void with anything else? How could i love myself more than You? It's because of You that i breathe, that i live. Forgive me, God, and i pray that You would move me to fall before Your feet again now. You are God alone. In Your perfect name, Amen*

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